The New Optimists - 2022 Insurance Consumer Profiles

In today’s digital landscape, things are constantly changing and evolving —

and insurance clients are no exception! The client of the future, which may already

be the client of today, is going to have different wants and needs from their

insurance broker. Fortunately, with a data-driven approach, Alstar Brokerage

Solutions is here to help you feel ready and confident to go above and beyond for

your clients. Today’s post is going to look at one group of these newly emerging

clients known as the ‘New Optimists’.

The New Optimist

Unlike previously discussed client demographics such as the ‘Settler’ or the

‘Stabilizer’ that focused on Gen X and Millennials, ‘New Optimists’ range anywhere

from the Baby Boomer generation right up to the Gen Zs of today. With such a

varied age group, it’s only natural that these clients value diversity and equity above

all else when making purchasing decisions. This is a demographic that wants to

know their specific needs and expectations will be understood and reflected in their

brokerage! The ‘New Optimists’ get their name from their positive outlook on the

technology of today. They’re excited about how increasing digitization can help

streamline their purchases, particularly insurance. Adventurous at heart, these

clients are uniquely willing to try out new methods of customer engagement and

e-commerce. They also enjoy social activities and group experiences where they

can connect with other people in their community. When it comes to the ‘New

Optimist,’ it’s important to stay on top of current trends and emerging technologies

so you can appeal to their tech-facing needs.

Engagement Strategy #1: Embrace Livestreaming

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen unprecedented changes to how

businesses and marketing operate, especially when it comes to how insurance

brokers engage with customers. Over the last few years, livestreaming has

dominated the Chinese insurance market, emerging as a primary method of

customer acquisition. Companies like Manulife also host informative, fact-filled

livestreams on financial planning that customers can tune into and ask questions in

the chat along the way. For clients like the ‘New Optimist’, livestreaming is an ideal

platform. It utilizes today’s technology to foster an online community while being

user-friendly and accessible. A customer doesn’t have to come into the brokerage

or even schedule a phone call anymore — all they have to do is click a link and

they’re good to go!

And livestreaming isn’t only great for customers. It’s a powerful tool for

brokers as well! As a highly customizable platform, you’re able to tailor each

livestream depending on the needs of your clients or targeted demographic. For

instance, if you want to appeal to mature customers of the Baby Boomer era, you

could host an easy-to-understand live stream that highlights policies related to

retirement and financial planning for the future.

Engagement Strategy #2: Utilizing Giveaways and Raffles

While we’ve covered how useful livestreaming is, it’s important to always

prioritize customer acquisition. Getting people to tune into your livestreams is one

thing, but how are you going to transform viewers into paying clients? One option is

to host giveaways and lucky draws during your livestreams. Viewers can enter their

personal details and contact information to win a chance at cash prizes or gift

cards. Not only does this incentivize customers to tune into your livestreams, but it

also means that you can easily follow up with them afterwards to turn them into

new policyholders. Another way to boost customer engagement is to ask questions

during the livestream where viewers can answer via chat. If they answer correctly,

they are then automatically entered into the giveaway or raffle. This way, you’re

rewarding viewers for staying focused during your livestream and encouraging

active participation — which will help you make a lasting impact!


To summarize, if you want to appeal to the emerging ‘New Optimist’

insurance consumer of the future, taking advantage of the technology of today is

paramount. livestreaming has been proven to be the most effective strategy in

appealing to these clients, especially when you incentivize engagement via

giveaways and lucky draws. And while it can feel like the needs and wants of

insurance consumers are constantly changing, AlStar Brokerage Solutions is here to

ensure that you feel confident to take on any challenge. Stay tuned for future posts

like this one that will help you stay on top of current trends and strategies!


Automobile Insurance in Canada


The Stabilizers — 2022 Insurance Consumer Profiles